Saturday, January 28, 2017

On Getting Older

When I was a child, I had younger siblings, I also had neighbors who hired me to babysit, so I had a vague idea of what parenting was about. There were many surprises, don't get me wrong, but I had the basic concept. Plus there are magazines galore, movies, documentaries, self-help books by the score on parenting and...people talk.

Old age is different. There weren't a lot of books on the process, and very few magazines, and not much in the way of documentation and hey, let's face it, what is out there is scary or boring and who wants to be bothered? I mean, I'm not going to ever get O-L-D anyway, right? Well, I hope to share the truths (at least the ones I know about) here with enough humor that learning will be fun. this dimension, if we are lucky, we will be old people, and that my friend, is no job for sissies.

So please revisit this section of my blog as I share with you what it means to get old from the perspectives of my friends and I.

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