After 24 hours of violently expressing every possible fluid from my body via every possible orifice, I was weak and still feverish. I lay abed for two more days. Then, I felt pretty good, though weak, so I got up and made some chicken noodle soup, yes comfort food to a troubled tummy. It stayed put. Eureka! But it took everything I had in me to do that. Back to bed for me.
The next day I felt pretty good, a little stronger. I stripped
my bed and laundered all my bedding including the mattress cover. Then a long shower to clean me and by the time I made the bed with clean bedding, got myself dry and into a clean nightie, I was done in. Back to bed I went. After a long nap I heated up some soup, which once again, stayed put even though it threatened to do otherwise. For another two days I felt nauseated, feverish, and weak. Then back up again.
Surely I was over it this time. I felt really good. Had a hamburger and it stayed put! Eureka!
Caught up on dishes, laundry, dusting and vacuuming. Diarrhea came back and back to bed I went.
Yesterday and the day before went rather well. All symptoms gone, eating normally without event and cleaning and catching up on bills and such. Then at 2:00 A.M. I woke to hot, acidic vomit in my throat bent on escaping my body and of course the bucket was nowhere close. 😡 After a rushed trip to the loo I was afraid to lie down again. After several hours it seemed that things were going to settle down and I dared to go back to bed. There were no further incidents, but my stomach is still churning and I am scared to put anything in it. This is day 15 from onset of symptoms...I cannot believe this flu. I've been to the doctor and he said it's going around and there is little to do other than wait it out and continue to drink fluids to ward off dehydration.
Ughhh....there are so many things I want to do and lying in bed all day isn't even in the top 200.
Stay away from public spaces, wash your hands well, sanitizer doesn't stop this one, drink fluids and I wish you tremendous luck in staying well.
So sorry you're enduring this. That is one heck of a monster bug. Hope it goes and stays gone!